Long known as Burj Dubai — Arabic for "Dubai Tower" — the building rises 2,717 feet (828 meters) from the desert. The $1.5 billion "vertical city"
of luxury apartments and offices and a hotel designed by Giorgio Armani
also plans to have the world's highest mosque (158th floor) and
swimming pool (76th floor). *Visit here for more inf
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有個朋友,在一次烤肉聚會當中絆倒了,摔了一跤, A friend once fell down suddenly in a BBQ party.
旁邊的朋友建議找醫護人員, People around suggested her go to the hospital,
但她很確定自己沒事, 只是穿了新鞋被磚塊絆了一下罷了。 But she reassured that nothing's wrong with herself, except having fallen down due stepping on a piece of brick in a pair of new shoes.
她還有點危危顫顫站立不穩的時候, While she was still shivering, not standing firm,
朋友們幫她清洗乾淨, 又為她盛了一盤食物, Friends helped her clean up her body, and got a plate of food for her,
她就跟著大家一起享受接下來的時光了。 So afterwards, she happily enjoyed the rest of time with the company.
她的先生後來打電話通知她的朋友, Later on, her husband called to tell these friends,
她被送到醫院,傍晚六點,就過世了, She has been sent to the hospital at last, and she passed away at 6 PM only,
原因是她在烤肉聚餐的時候中風。 Which cause was a stroke to her during the BBQ party.
如果他們懂 得辨識中風的癥兆, If they know ho w to ide
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